Remix Favorite Show and Game Wiki
Remix Favorite Show and Game Wiki


Metroville (also known as "The City of Metroville") is a city where Bob Parr and his family live.


Some of the locations in Metroville include:

Downtown area[]

The downtown area of Metroville is where the Incredible family fight Syndrome's Omnidroid.

Parr Family Residence[]

See Parr Family Residence.

Metroville Elementary School[]

See Metroville Elementary School

Western View Junior High[]

See Western View Junior High

Burning Building[]

This burning building is where Bob Parr and Lucius Best go to save people from while disguised as bank robbers, complete with ski masks over their faces.

Railroad Yard[]

This is where Mr. Incredible goes to test his strength by lifting two freight cars.

E's Mansion[]

See E's Mansion

Lucius Best's apartment[]

This is the apartment where Lucius Best/Frozone and his wife Honey (not seen, only her voice is heard) live.

Trivia []

  • Metroville is thought to be a combination of the two towns that Superman has lived in: Metropolis and Smallville.