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Remix Favorite Show and Game Wiki


Megaclite, also known as Jupiter XIX, is a retrograde irregular satellite belonging to the outer planet of Jupiter. This satellite was discovered by David C. Jewett, Yanga R. Fernandez, Eugene A. Magnier, and Scott. S. Sheppard on November 25, 2000 at the Mauna Kea Observatory located in Hawaii. It is a part of the Pasiphae group, a group of retrograde irregular satellites with Pasiphae being the largest of the group. This satellite takes about 760 Earth days to complete one orbit.


Megaclite is believed to have been formed by the remaining debris from collisions with various satellites of Jupiter, especially that of Pasiphae. After a collision with this satellite, the remaining debris created the Pasiphae group, also creating this satellite in the process.


Megaclite's surface color is grey, similar to that of Pasiphae, which supports the theory that Pasiphae retains 99% of the matter belonging to the Pasiphae group. Megaclite does not have any visible craters or collision-related geographical features. Very few valleys are visible on this satellite due to their not being many of them. Mountainous land can be seen on the surface though.


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Stars Sun
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Moons Luna | Phobos | Deimos | Io | Sinope | Ganymede | Europa | Callisto | Amalthea | Metis | Megaclite | Himalia | Elara | Dia | Pasiphae | Lysithea | Carme | Callirrhoe | Themisto | Taygete | Adrastea | Chaldene | Harpalyke | Kalyke | Iocaste | Erinome | Isonoe | Praxidike | Autonoe | Thyone | Hermippe | Aitne | Titan | Hyperion | Enceladus | Tethys | Mimas | Dione | Rhea | Iapetus | Phoebe | Janus | Epimetheus | Helene | Telesto | Calypso | Atlas | Prometheus | Pandora | Pan | Methone | Pallene | S/2004 S 17 | Miranda | Titania | Ariel | Umbriel | Oberon | Triton | Thalassa | Proteus | Larissa | Despina | Charon | Nix | Hydra | Kerberos | Styx | Dysnomia | Vanth | Hiʻiaka | Namaka
Asteroids Juno | Pallas | Vesta | Chiron | Ida | Dactyl
Other Asteroid Belt | Kuiper Belt