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Remix Favorite Show and Game Wiki

Knuckles serving krupnik.

Krupnik is a food that appears in Sonic Underground. It is a type of dish that originates from the Floating Island.


Krupnik is considered a delicacy by the echidnas and is enjoyed by Knuckles and the three Underground siblings. Krupnik appears to be little more than a piece of spit-roasted meat, but the exact recipe for krupnik (and the animal that the meat comes from) is uncertain.


Having successfully prevented Sleet and Dingo from stealing the Floating Island's Chaos Emerald, Knuckles celebrated by preparing krupnik and serving it to SonicManic and Sonia. However, Sonic's piece ended up being eaten by Chomps when he was not looking.


  • Krupnik takes its name from a Polish meat and vegetable soup. It is also the name of a European alcoholic drink.