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The asteroid Pallas

Pallas is an asteroid within the asteroid belt of the Solar System.


The Headmasters cartoon[]

On their journey back to Earth for their final plan, the Decepticons in Scorponok's transtector stopped at Pallas so the propulsion system of the giant ship could be repaired. There, Sixshot, who had been abandoned on Daira, rejoined the Decepticons, not knowing of Scorponok's careless disposal of his life.

The Decepticons soon preemptively attacked the following Autobots in Battleship Maximus and the battle was taken to Pallas. The violence was stopped when Sixshot challenged Chromedome to a duel on Juno. After planting bombs on Juno to kill Sixshot, Scorponok and the other Decepticons left Pallas for Earth.

Sailor Moon manga and Crystal[]

Pallas was the second asteroid to be discovered in the Solar System's asteroid belt. It is named for the Greek goddess Pallas Athena, who was the goddess of wisdom.

In the Sailor Moon manga, Pallas was protected by Sailor Pallas, a member of the Sailor Quartet and one of Chibiusa's protectors.

Transformers: Universe reboot cartoon[]

Pallas is an asteroid within the asteroid belt of the Solar System in Transformers: Universe.

Stars Sun
Planets Mercury | Venus | Earth | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune | Planet Nine | Chaos | Nemesis
Dwarf Planets Ceres | Pluto | Eris | Makemake | Haumea | Orcus | Sedna
Moons Luna | Phobos | Deimos | Io | Sinope | Ganymede | Europa | Callisto | Amalthea | Metis | Megaclite | Himalia | Elara | Dia | Pasiphae | Lysithea | Carme | Callirrhoe | Themisto | Taygete | Adrastea | Chaldene | Harpalyke | Kalyke | Iocaste | Erinome | Isonoe | Praxidike | Autonoe | Thyone | Hermippe | Aitne | Titan | Hyperion | Enceladus | Tethys | Mimas | Dione | Rhea | Iapetus | Phoebe | Janus | Epimetheus | Helene | Telesto | Calypso | Atlas | Prometheus | Pandora | Pan | Methone | Pallene | S/2004 S 17 | Miranda | Titania | Ariel | Umbriel | Oberon | Triton | Thalassa | Proteus | Larissa | Despina | Charon | Nix | Hydra | Kerberos | Styx | Dysnomia | Vanth | Hiʻiaka | Namaka
Asteroids Juno | Pallas | Vesta | Chiron | Ida | Dactyl
Other Asteroid Belt | Kuiper Belt