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Remix Favorite Show and Game Wiki
Amazon River

The Amazon River

The Amazon River and its jungles are the home of exotic and dangerous wildlife.

Native people[]



A rubber rafting race on the Amazon River was held there for the Laff-A-Lympics. (South America and Transylvania)

Scooby-Doo! (DC Comics)[]

The gang explored the Amazon Jungle and met up with a Lizard Man. (Quit Buggin' Me)

Chill Out, Scooby-Doo![]

Fred Jones ended up in what looked like the Amazon jungle after he took the wrong plane instead of returning to Paris with the others.

Rio 2[]

In Rio 2, as Blu and his family arrive at Manaus, the city gateway to the Amazon, they take a boat to travel the rest of the way, traveling down the Amazon river to reach the jungle. They spend the night there, and that's when Nigel intended to attack. The next morning they leave to enter the jungle.

In another scene, the Big Boss is also arriving at the jungle by boat. Amazon River Dolphins also appear in the movie, swimming in the river.

Pirahnas been seen in the film as well. One time in Tulio's and Linda's research in the forest, when a butterfly appeared and the piranha jumped to eat it (and Linda said to spit it out). There were also piranhas out in the river during a carnival audition, in which a group of Capybaras tried to perform, but got eaten from the fish. Then Linda and Tulio continue down the river which leads to a waterfall (but remain alive).

Transformers: Universe[]


  1. 102(a). Quit Buggin' Me

Other continuities[]

Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated[]

Season one[]

Rick Spartan was on an adventure in the Amazon when he first encountered the Headless Horror. (Attack Of The Headless Horror)
